full name Charlotte E. Voleuse date of birth & age 12/19/1984 • 32 current residence Roslindale, Boston, MA occupation Researcher @ HMS relationship status Single

It was cute, really, how things began. Charlie--a young man from the affluent neighborhood of Westmount in Montreal, Quebec--was on an extended European summer vacation between college and grad school when he first met Jean-Phillipe. Theirs was a whirlwind romance borne of passion in the City of Love. When the couple had their fill of enjoying the privilege of all the art and culture that came with living in such a place, they decided to carve out a tiny slice of paradise for themselves in the English countryside. A quick wedding followed shortly thereafter and newlywed Mr. and Mrs. Voleuse continued living comfortably, thanks to his family's wealth.

Charlie and Eva tried to get pregnant for some time. They always wanted children, but on their own were unsuccessful. After a while, trying time and time again turned heartwrenching and they turned to in vitro fertilization. Baby Charlotte, named after her father, came into the world ahead of schedule on December 19th in London. Charlotte, with her beautiful striking blue eyes, quickly became the apple of her father's world.

It wasn't until Charlotte was 7 that Charlie found out the truth. He came home one day after picking up their daughter from school to find his wife's things missing from the house. She'd packed her bags and left him. Charlie searched high and low for Eva, refusing to believe that she took off by choice. He was convinced she must have been kidnapped. However, time passed and no ransom demands were made. He continued searching for clues of foul play. Over the course of the investigation, it finally came to light that his wife wasn't what he knew her to be. Eva was, in fact, not really Eva. Instead, she was a con woman of great skill, wanted by Interpol, who made it a specialty of hers to create aliases under which she could dupe rich men into marrying her so she could steal their money.

After that, Charlie began to withdraw from society, closing himself to everyone. Not that only, he withdrew from Charlotte. His daughter was a living reminder of the lie he lived. His parents, Charlotte's grandparents, stepped in to ensure that the girl was not neglected.

Charlotte, in turn, became a quiet child who turned her focus inward, onto her studies. School breezed by for Charlotte. Her approach to school was systemic and it came easily to her in comparison to the social and the emotional. She was the good girl, ever the good student, until she got to college. Being away from home for the first time, Charlotte launched herself into the coed life with enthusiasm. It wasn't until her grandparents commented on her lack of direction in life that prompted Charlotte to make a change.

Her grandparents pulled strings and she was able to transfer credits to Columbia, which fortunately had a spot open due to the unanticipated departure of another student due to health reasons. Their loss was Charlotte's gain. Charlotte relocated to NYC. Her grandparents, in turn, were finally able to return to their home in Montreal. Even though she was a month behind, Charlotte was ready to work hard to catch up and start the newest chapter of her life. Finishing her education at Columbia, she moved once again, this time to Boston to start work at Harvard Medical School.

Lady Fantomex
As X-Force came face to face with the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Fantomex was poisoned by Mystique, completely blocking his powers. Psylocke was mind controlled by Shadow King forcing Fantomex to intervene. He removed his mask which contained his mind shields and gave it to Psylocke, breaking Shadow King's control over her. This however left him vulnerable and after just managing to send Psylocke away with E.V.A. he was killed by the Brotherhood. E.V.A. and the rest of X-Force managed to recover his body and E.V.A. deposited it in a cloning sample hatch in the White Sky Facility, the Cloud. All three of his brains were intact, and the machine mistakenly cloned a new body for each brain. One of them being a female version of Fantomex, which is the "nicest". (SOURCE)

  • Born from IVF (cloned from Fantomex as part of the Weapon Plus program)
  • Born in London, England, UK (the location of The World facility)
  • DOB is nod to the release date of the issue featuring Lady Fantomex's first appearance
  • First name is a nod to Fantomex's real name (Charlie Cluster-7)
  • Surname means "female thief" in French
  • Father's name is Charlie
  • Mother's name is Eva (E.V.A. is the physical manifestation of Fantomex's nervous system)
  • Paternal grandfather's name is Jean-Phillipe (Jean-Phillipe is one of Fantomex's aliases)
  • Has Asperger's syndrome (which affects the nervous system)
  • What she does for a living is related to the brain and nervous system
  • Doesn't use any scented products whatsoever (Fantomex's body create no scent)